Oils in the Bedroom

HELLO BEAUTIFUL! This post is about putting a little spark in your life... between the sheets!  I've included a bunch of recipes as well... some for the diffuser to enhance the mood, edible lubricants, stroking oil blends, and a few more specific to enhancing sensations and getting your tingle on. ;)  Most of this info is from Lucy Libido's book: There's an Oils for THAT....a Girlfriend's guide to using Essential Oils between the sheets.  This post is quite long, but full of juicy bits for women, for men, for understanding your hormones and much more!

What Makes You Beautiful?

Before we even talk oils, you need to know that a big part of feeling sexy is not defined by how you look physically. It comes from an inner self-assurance or energy than emanates from within. It’s the silent but seductive confidence of KNOWING that you are Beautiful.

If you were asked…. “What makes you beautiful?” What makes you sexy?” Could you answer that question? We are often so focused on our so-called “flaws” that we forget to embrace everything that is beautiful about ourselves.

We need to be a little more kind and a little more self-forgiving. It’s ok to have a critical voice… the one that knows when you find clothes that fit you well and helps you to move forward as your best self. But we must allow our critical self to exist without guilt and not dominate our thoughts. Our FORGIVING voice needs to be louder. That voice reminds us that we will survive when we make mistakes and whispers courage when we feel tentative or hopeless. That voice reminds us that through trial and failure we gain strength. Daily we will hear the critical voice and the forgiving voice. Accept them for the balance they provide as the critical voice will help you to be your best each day and your forgiving voice will give you peace when you fall short.

So… write down: “I AM BEAUTIFUL”. Follow that with writing down the hallmarks of your own unique beauty. What attributes are you proud to possess. Note the stunning facets that make you proud to be YOU. Or, describe the beauty others see in you. 

Here are some examples:
I’m beautiful because I can laugh at anything.
I see beauty in my hips that have grown each time I grew our little ones.
He cherishes the little noise I make when he kisses my neck
My beauty is my boldness - I surprise him with something sexy under a nightshirt.
My quick wit makes me attractive and beautiful.
My ability to give is what makes me beautiful.

Safety & Usage

Next, a quick overview about the 3 ways we can use Aphrodisiac Oils.

Young Living is the only company that distills their own oils themselves. They own or co-op their farms, grow their oils pesticide free, distill themselves, test with higher standards than any other company, and ship them from the farm to your door. So, please trust me when I say that I trust them. The ‘author’ will not be held responsible if you get sick from ingesting a synthetic oil or break out in a rash after putting a cheap oil with alcohol solvents near your lady bits. 

Here is how you can use your Young Living Oils:

1) DIFFUSE them. Diffusing aphrodisiac oils sends signals to the brain to relax. It also stimulates parts of the brain (the amygdala) that get us in the mood. This is why diffusing aphrodisiac oils can work fast and be very effective. If you have kids or a busy schedule, the window for romance is often small and you need to get excited fast. 

2) Apply them TOPICALLY. You can use the vita flex points on the hands or the feet for the reproductive system. Or you can apply them to the inner thighs ~ Inside of the leg mid thigh up to the panty line. This can be for women OR men. Any time you are using an oil for the first time you should dilute it in half in a carrier oil (1 drop EO in one drop grapeseed oil for example) and apply it to the forearms. It is very very rare to have an allergy, intolerance, or sensitivity to an oil, but while it is rare it is not impossible. You can use them for stimulating lube or for a man's "Soldier massage". Again - spot test and dilute. The ‘author’ is not responsible for crispy burned Yayas or deflated Hoses if you don't heed my wisdom. 

Never use UNDILUTED HOT oils (Thieves, Lemongrass, Peppermint, and Panaway) on sensitive membranes. This will quickly ruin an intimate moment. If you feel heat, just apply MORE carrier oil* to the area and that tingly/hot sensation should pass. To hammer this point into your brain, I'm going to share a little story from the Lucy Libido book:

"Once upon a time, there was a woman named Lucy. She was a pro at diluting EO's into carrier oils for bedroom fun. She always tried new oils on her arm first and diluted when using oils on sensitive areas.

One day, Lucy had a bit of a headache. The night was still young, so she applied peppermint to her head to ease the tension and make for a more enjoyable night. She was changing into something cute and was too lazy to go out and grab her regular Lucy blends.

For some crazy reason, she used the peppermint she had on her hand, and wiped a drop onto her lady parts.

She screamed in sheer terror as it burned her poor lady parts to kingdom come, there was no amount of coconut oil in the world that could get it off fast enough and the night was OFFICIALLY over."

The end.

Now you'll always remember.

If you are feeling adventurous, you can take advantage of some of those tingly oils (Peppermint, Black Pepper) and have a little fun. Just make sure you dilute them. Scroll down to find the magical recipes.
*Carrier oils include any fatty oil: olive oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil...

Set The Mood

One last tip in prep for some play time.... SET THE MOOD EARLY 

Ladies, you and I both know that for women, sex starts before we even get into the bedroom. Doing things throughout the day to help get you in the mindset can be just what you need to turn up the heat later.

Let’s chat about some ideas to get you in the mood.

Ok, so I know that sounds like the polar opposite of exciting and sexy, but when your schedule is crazy busy, sometimes you have to pencil in those important meetings between the sheets.

Trust me, adding a little lace to your undies can make all the difference.

I’m not saying send a nudie. You don't need THAT getting accidentally shared.
A simple “Can’t wait to spend an evening alone” might be just enough to get the wheels turning on the other end.

USE YOUR OILS (on your skin, as perfume, or diffuse throughout the day)
Use Orange, Sensation, Lady Sclereol or Ylang Ylang to get you in the mood. Apply topically or diffuse.
- Orange - Brings joy to the heart, peace, and happiness to the mind.
- Sensation - Contains Coriander, Ylang ylang, Furanocoumarin-free Bergamot, Jasmine, and Geranium to encourage feelings of love and affection when diffused.
- Ylang Ylang influences sexual energy and enhances relationships. Helps with feelings of self love and can enhance sex drive.
-Lady Sclereol - the lady hormone balancing oil, loved for decreasing negative emotions, providing peace and a happy mood. It includes Ylang Ylang which encourages feelings of sexuality. Many women wear this as a perfume.

Edible Oils.... Oh Yes You Can! 

Now we dig deeper into the info you really want to hear... the fun stuff... which oils specifically to use to get the juices flowing, EDIBLE OILS, and how your hormones play a role and how you can alter them quickly to set the mood.

First, let's clear up some questions that a lot of people have about ingesting oils.

Young Living Essential Oil are distilled and bottled so that if the plant is edible, then oil is edible. Lemon is an edible plant. Therefore, lemon oil is an edible oil. Well, so long as it is not distilled with chemicals, solvents, or blended with synthetic fragrances which is oh-so- very common with over the counter oils.

There are many oils that may surprise you that are edible too!! Like Bergamot comes from the citrus family like lemon. Frankincense and Lavender are edible. Idaho Blue Spruce, Goldenrod, and Nutmeg are generally regarded as safe (GRAS) for internal consumption. GRAS is a FDA designation that a food or substance in food is safe for consumption.

Young Living has made labeling easier for using oils internally. They have a line of oils called Vitality. You will recognize them by their white labels. All the Vitality oils have instructions for internal use right on the label just like you would see with a vitamin. Easy! If the oil comes in the vitality line, then it's safe for ingestion, whether in the white or colored label.

Rest assured, that we only recommend oils that are GRAS in any edible lube or potion. Stick with these recipes.... and you'll be safe.

You can also check on proper application methods in your Essential Oils Desk Reference.

When in doubt - it is ALWAYS safe to use oils topically when properly diluted. Every single oil that Young Living carries can be used topically. 

Hormonal Balancing Oils 

Life is all about balance. We balance our professional and personal lives. We balance our fats and carbs. We balance our personal relationships with our family time. It's all a balancing act!

In yoga, there's a pose called Scorpion, where you're balancing on your arms and your body is arched backwards; like a scorpion stinger. A person needs 100% balance and focus to achieve that pose! If your core isn't activated, if your arms aren't supported, if your legs are too far over or under balance, it's just not going to happen. It's VERY much the same with our hormones and sex.

I knew for over a year that my hormones were out of balance. Two babies coupled with lack of sleep led me to feel sluggish, foggy brained, crabby, monthly cramps with HEAVY bleeding and definitely not sexy or beautiful! This hormonal mayhem can lead to lack of desire for sexual intimacy. Our spouses can be very understanding, but they have needs too. A few years ago when I realized I was crazy out of whack, I researched oils for hormonal balance and, WOW!!! My life changed within a month!  Maybe you've read my testimonials about his in Sharing the Love. I listed the 2 oil blends I used daily that worked wonders in the recipes section.

Here are symptoms that indicate your hormones may be haywire:
~ Irritabilty, anxiousness
~menopausal symptoms
~hot flashes
~Heavy periods, irregular cycles
~Inability to lose weight
~breast tenderness
~hair loss
~fatigue, insomnia
~Lack of sex drive
~Increase in belly fat

So… depending on the stage of life you are in, there are different oils and blends available.
1. Progessence Plus
2. Lady Sclereol
3. Dragon Time
4. SclarEssence
5. Endoflex

1. PROGESSENCE PLUS is a topical serum that was developed by a doctor who specializes in women's hormone issues. When testing women who came to see him, almost all of them had low progesterone or ZERO progesterone. This is a problem, because this is a hormone that our body needs in adequate amounts for our libido and overall wellness. Many women's issues like endometriosis, menstrual migraines, and PMS are attributed to low levels of natural progesterone. Progesterone decreases over time with age and tends to drop after childbirth for many women, and when it drops too low, our sex drive disappears. Low progesterone and/or estrogen also contribute to hot flashes and night sweats.

Now, before you freak out because hormones like progesterone + estrogen are dangerous, let's take a moment to delineate between naturally occurring hormones in the body, plant hormones, and synthetic hormones.

Natural hormones are in our body and are necessary for the reproductive system. Phytoestrogens like those found in Clary Sage are plant hormones that are similar to mammal estrogens and they are bioavailable in the body. Cool, eh. Synthetic progesterone and synthetic estrogen are NOT completely compatible with the body. The synthetic nature of these products leads to side effects.... and the side effects are bad. Like a -disease-we-shall-not-name bad.

When the body has high levels of natural hormones, from human or plant derived hormones, the risks of said diseases DECREASED. When the body has low levels of natural hormones, and is supplemented with synthetic hormones, the risks of these diseases INCREASED. 

Now back to Progessence Plus. It can help initiate a good mood like nothing else! Just put a few drops on each forearm and rub it in, then go about your day. It helps put your body’s progesterone back in harmony and balance. It can bring back sexual desire. It may not work for everyone in the same way, but if you look in The Library, there are countless testimonials about this oil blend.  And for me, it has really helped with sleep! 

2. LADY SCLAREOL is first and foremost a lady hormone balancing oil. It contains oils known to decrease negative emotions, boost confidence, and help the wearer to feel more peaceful and grounded. GERANIUM aids in hormonal balance. CLARY SAGE aids with cramps, PMS and agitation. YLANG YLANG helps to balance male-female sexual energy and encourages feelings of sensuality. SAGE LAVENDER has been shown to increase the body’s estradiol levels which equates to being more regular. This is fantastic for life changes such as menopause. It can be worn daily as a perfume because it smells delicious. Not only will you smell amazing as you are, but you will feel more balanced and in tune with your partner.  I started putting a drop on the inside of my ankles about 6 months ago and and definitely noticed a change in libido... which was not even my intention! 

3. DRAGON TIME is a hormone balancing oil that was developed just for “that time of the month”.  Dragon Time is full of the best oils known to alleviate PMS and menstrual woes and cramps. This blend works primarily by raising estradiol levels in the body which also drop during menstruation. Apply this oil all over your abdomen several times a day. It can also be added to Epsom salts for a bath. Dragon Time is gentle enough that even teens can use it! Don’t you wish you had this when you were a teenager?!

4. SCLARESSENCE is another hormone supporting oil that LOVES your girly systems. It is a blend of Clary Sage, Peppermint, Sage Lavender, and Fennel. (so it might not smell all that great). All the oils in SclarEssence Vitality are GRAS. This blend was formulated to support the hormones and to increase estradiol and testosterone levels. It can also help to improve digestion, reduce bloating, and help balance the body’s pH. The beauty of having an estradiol increasing blend as a dietary supplement, is that women can take a daily internal supplement that supports and loves on their reproductive system. Low estradiol levels are commonplace amongst women with female irregularity and/or fertility complaints. While reproductive health is multifaceted and has many components to it, supporting healthy estradiol levels is one factor in a healthy reproductive system. Beyond the reproductive system, estradiol also plays an important part in bone health, energy levels, metabolism, libido, and emotional well being. So, who would benefit from the use of SclarEssence? Perimenopause and Menopausal women and after hysterectomy.

5. ENDOFLEX is a hormone balancing oil blend that flexes and strengthens your endocrine system. The endocrine system is responsible for telling your body what hormones to produce and when to produce them. It regulates metabolism, growth, development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, thyroid function, sleep and mood. Don’t we all want these things to work well?! Endoflex supports the pineal and pituitary glands and the adrenal glands. Endoflex can be used topically directly over the thyroid. Endoflex Vitality can be taken as a dietary supplement to support all parts of the endocrine system. This blends is great for PMS symptoms as well.

You can use these 5 oils on the inside of your ankles, the back of your neck, and on your forearms. 

Libido Oils For Her ~ Ylang Ylang, Joy & Clary Sage

It's time, It's time, It's TIME! It's time to talk Libido Oils for Her!

YLANG YLANG - one of my favorites!

Ahhh, sweet Ylang Ylang. Its power as an aphrodisiac has long been known. In Indonesia, the petals of the Ylang Ylang flowers are scattered over the bed of newlywed couples on their wedding night. It has traditionally been viewed as a romantic flower and has an alluring scent.
Ylang Ylang is one of the ingredients in both Joy and Sensation oil blends. I think that it’s especially wonderful because it increases libido in women.  Ylang Ylang is a bright yellow flower that grows in Ecuador. The petals are picked early in the morning to maximize oil yield. The oil increases feelings of happiness, adoration, romance, and it calms the mind. Its calming effect can even lower blood pressure just a tad to help you feel zen.

I love to to use this oil in the diffuser to prepare the room, in an inner thigh potion to increase desire, or in a lube for an alluring aroma. 

JOY.... to enhance the j "O" y 

Joy has a lovely floral scent (can replace “paraben perfume” and is uplifting when rubbed over the heart.
Joy helps to balance crazy hormones and promotes feelings of self-worth.

The oils in Joy stimulate the brain's sense for love and affection. Diffusing Joy is a good way to invite the mood. If you don't love the aroma of Joy, try blending it with some Lemon or Lime to make it more citrusy or blend it with Clary Sage to make it less floral and more smooth. This oil can be used aromatically or topically to raise frequency and feelings of love. I have used it over my heart during the day to balance out my crazy and to bring me a calm happy feeling.

And at Night? Oh at night… Take a couple of drops of Joy in a couple of drops of carrier (I personally love Sensation Massage Oil for this) and rub it on your inner thighs, in your leg crease, and on your lower abdomen. If your Mr. loves the floral scent - put a drop between your cleavage. Ooooohhhhh the perfect blend of Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Jasmine and Rose featured in Joy really get you in the moooooooood. And when you are in the mood - it's always more juicy and delicious.

My friends have shared that with Joy, they have been able to get to the big "jOy" faster and ahem, more than once! So if you don't have it already - put it on your must-have list!

Your "Ode to Joy” song will probably sound something more like:
" Oh...


Let's talk about one of my good friends. One of my best friends. Her name is Sage... Clary Sage.

Clary Sage is a ladies oil that has been used since once upon a time for hormonal issues. It is your friend during PMS, while your Aunt Flow stops into town, and for the hormonal drop you find after she leaves. Clary Sage is one of the main oils to help with PMS in our beloved Dragon Time, and to balance hormones in blends like SclarEssence and Lady Sclareol.

Right around that Red time of the month, estrogen levels drop quickly and drastically. This is part of the reason why you may feel the need to break down crying when your eye liner doesn't go on straight. Everything is tragic when your estrogen levels are low.

But doesn't estrogen increase the risk of really scary tumors? Yes, and no. Women who naturally have higher levels of estrogen don't tend to take estrogen. Women who take synthetic estrogen hormonal therapy have higher rates of diseases. We talked about this a bit already with Progessence Plus, but it's good to recap. Studies have shown that SYNTHETIC estrogen (and progesterone) are linked to high disease rates as a side effect. Using plant compounds (such as yam progesterone in progressence plus or phytoestrogens in Clary Sage) do not increase the risk of these scary side effects. In fact they have been shown to lower your risk is some studies!

K- so where does this all tie in with libido???? This is REALLY cool. You see, a woman naturally feels more " in the mood" when her estrogen levels are higher. This is because our estrogen levels are highest when we are ovulating. We are designed to feel more in the mood when we are fertile. It's how we were made.

As we age, our estrogen levels drop. One sign of low estrogen is " dryness" down there. Applying Clary Sage to the inner thighs and above the pubic bone helps to increase natural lubrication. I can TOTALLY attest to that. And using a drop of Clary Sage daily can increase your natural levels of estrogen which will help you feel more frisky, more lubricated, and more willing. You can apply daily on your forearms, wrists, vita flex points for the reproductive system, or on the back of the neck.

You can also diffuse Clary Sage. It's a middle note- which means it's not super floral or super earthy. It mixes well with bright top notes like Orange, or with floral blends like Ylang Ylang or Joy.

So, if you want to be juicy, naturally lubed and frisky, start adding a drop of Clary Sage to your daily routine. You may find you are a little more frisky and and little more prepped downstairs for your loveboat.

FYI - Clary Sage is NOT to be used during pregnancy.

Be Sensational

I've got a secret. And it's sensational. And like something else we're talking about here.... it starts with the letter S.

That little secret is... SENSATION!

Sensation is an alluring blend of Ylang Ylang, Rosewood and Jasmine. It smells like Joy, but a little bit softer because it has much less Geranium that gives Joy it's strong floral scent. THIS is my FAVORITE perfume lately…. I’m not such a floral person.  Not a lot of people know about Sensation..... but it's named that for a reason. Sensation is flirtatious and welcoming.

Sensation can be used aromatically to set the tone. It's soft flirtatious aroma is uplifting and arousing without being overbearing.

Another way to use Sensation is on the inner thighs. I use it on the edge of my ears and the back of my neck too. If you choose a specific oil blend you intentionally apply before jumping into bed to play, that scent can immediately lead to feelings of ANTICIPATION. Your body starts tingling and can begin to crave what's next. When your partner knows this scent, it can work for them too….

I also love it mixed with orange or cypress.. Sensation is so mild that it can even be used on more sensitive areas with very little dilution. Have your Mr. Libido rub a drop of coconut oil and a couple drops of sensation all over your happy places and O WOW. You will n O t be complaining. You'll be singing. "This is O O O SOOOOO Sensational!!!!

Lucy Libido's Favorite Oil

I am just so excited to FINALLY talk about Lucy’s VERY MOST favorite oils. She calls it the thighmaster. 


The reason she loves Cypress so very much is because Cypress stimulates blood flow in the body. It's a diuretic and helps to remove water and salt that can lead to fluid retention. It also strengthens veins and improves circulation. All of this leads to smoother looking skin and smaller looking veins. This is why Cypress is one of the main ingredients of Cell-lite massage oil. It helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite and dark veins by strengthening the tissue around fat cells and improving blood flow so veins don't pool and raise to the surface.

Check out Sharing the Love or The Library for a before and after photo of my legs after using a blend of Helichrysum, Cypress and Lemongrass for my spider veins…. AMAZING results!!!

The OTHER reason she loves Cypress (besides the fact that it makes my butt look smoother and my spider veins are lighter) stems from its magical ability to improve blood flow and circulation. I'll let you in on a little secret.....Super sturdy Soldiers for him depends a LOT on blood flow. And super DUPER O-My-WOW explosions for her depend a lot on blood flow too.

This oil is perfect for men AND women. Apply it on your inner thighs. Apply it on his inner thighs. Mix it with your other favorites. But DON'T forget the Cypress. For the love of Lucy's favorite... Don't forget the Cypress.

**my suggestion for women: combine Cypress + Ylang Ylang + Clary Sage to inner thighs

Oils For Him (Nutmeg & Goldenrod & Idaho Blue Spruce)

Are you ready for some fun facts?

NUTMEG is a stimulant that, applied over the belly or taken internally, improves digestion by stimulating the stomach. It has long been known to help with discomforts like flatulence, and indigestion and constipation.

Now, before you say "Ew that's not what I'm here for", Nutmeg is also an aphrodisiac oil. Nutmeg's stimulating property stimulates energy, both physical and sexual energy. Some people report feeling "wired" after diffusing or ingesting Nutmeg, and can be comparable to a caffeine kick depending on your body's chemistry.

Emotionally, Nutmeg stimulates energy and physically it increases circulation by working as a vasodilator. Think of it this way. Vaso=blood vessel and dilator=makes bigger. Put two and two together. I think you can do the math.

Nutmeg is such an effective tool for dilating blood vessels and increasing circulation, that it is the first natural recommendation to support conditions where the blood vessels constrict.

Nutmeg is SO stimulating, that it can have negative effects when used in excessive doses. Like, heart racing, or palpitations, or hallucinations. So, don't go crazy. No drinking a whole bottle in hopes to transform into Captain America okay?

Nutmeg can be diffused and applied topically. Nutmeg Vitality can be taken internally. (but remember, the exact same oil is in both bottles) Nutmeg is a little more harsh on the skin than Goldenrod or Idaho Blue Spruce, so be sure to DILUTE this one and start on the inner thighs and work "up" from there. Internally, I recommend starting with 2 drops diluted in Olive Oil.

If energy/stamina in the bedroom is what you're after - try this fun little recipe. This special blend is called "Lucy's Perky Pill" and it is the result of fun-time trial and error in her research group. After you have ensured that your arm doesn't have any sensitivity to these oils, make the perky capsule. It's 5 drops Idaho Blue Spruce, 3 drops Goldenrod, and 3 drops Nutmeg Vitality in a capsule with 10 drops Olive Oil. Have him take 10-30 minutes before go time for optimal circulation.

GOLDENROD  Tee hee hee. I can hardly say the name without snickering. Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there was a plant named “Goldenrod.” The oil from the flowering top of the plant was found to improve circulation and aid the urinary tract. According to the University of Montreal in Canada, it was also found to help with deflated hoses and firmness of.... well, you know... that male body part we’ve come to refer to around here as, “the Soldier.” I told my friends about this blessed oil’s USEFUL advantages and they gave it a try. My friends reported back an increase in firmness using goldenrod topically as well as internally. (Goldenrod is designated as GRAS)

We’ve come to love Goldenrod so much that we don’t call it “Goldenrod” anymore. We call it Golden ROD. Cuz truly, Golden + Rod..... that’s what it does. This is very good news for those who want a little more GOLD in their ROD.

Goldenrod is a seasonal oil that is distilled in the fall. I highly recommend stocking up when it becomes available because it won’t last long…. it is often out of stock.

You can use Goldenrod topically in a soldier massage or as an inner thigh love potion. Again, this is a magical ingredient in the Soldier Serum.

Visual Of The Effects Of Idaho Blue Spruce

So, just in case you are intrigued with Idaho Blue Spruce and would like a visual.… To demonstrate I present to you two Young Living shipping tubes.

The first represents your man before Idaho Blue Spruce.

The second represents your man after Idaho Blue Spruce.
Yep. You're welcome.
(Shipping tubes are not to size. Results may vary. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products suggested are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease)


ALL RIGHT. I saved the BEST for last. At least, that’s how I feel. SHUTRAN!

But OH-MY-OH-MY! Shutran is more than a cologne. Shutran is the first and ONLY oil created specifically to help catch a lady’s attention. Remember when you learned about the science of essential oils? (nod your head yes) You learned that it’s not the scent itself that is effective - but rather the chemical constituents inside the oil. Shutran is formulated for the man to wear, to help turn on the lady. It’s like a bottle of sweet smelling pheromones wafting into the hidden parts of your brain, stimulating your naughtiest imagination. Once you realize what Shutran does... Oh, then it becomes worth every penny.

Now, what does Shutran do for the man?? Let’s just say that it’s loaded with Idaho Blue Spruce, which we all know is like a blue hexagon of happiness. It makes sense that Idaho Blue Spruce is a key ingredient in Shutran. It also contains Hinoki, a Japanese cypress (remember cypress), and Ylang Ylang for male-female energy. He can wear it like a cologne to increase his manhood and to capture your attention! Or, apply a drop to the shaft (diluted). Rub it in.... Oh girls... You will love your Shutran Man!

Who else loves their man a-la-shutran?

Sidenote… YL now has taken this amazing scent to the next level with Shutran shave cream, after-shave and 3-in-1 Body wash, face wash and shampoo… I do have to admit that I steal the shave cream and body wash on occasion from my hubby…. the smell is intoxicating.

I'm so curious about your thoughts on this info and if you plan to make any recipes!  My advice... DO IT!!  It will be worth it!!  Please comment below!  Ask me questions! I'm happy to help you in any way! 

 If you'd like more details and recipes I urge you to purchase the book Lucy Libido - There's an oil for That.... Most of this info has been adapted from her resources. 



Combine in a roller ball or dropper bottle
20 drops Ylang Ylang
20 drops Cypress
6 drops Lavender
1 ounce Carrier oil such as Grapeseed or Sweet Almond


Let's just make it simple and effective.
Combine in a roller or dropper bottle 
Shutran diluted 50/50 with Carrier oil.  

combine in roller ball or pump bottle and massage into inner thighs prior to fun

Massage oil/ Lubrication for him/her.


2 tsp Aloe Vera (Green Leaf Naturals)
2 tsp MCT oil or V6 oil from YL
1/2 tsp Vegetable Glycerine
1/2 tsp Vitamin E
1/8 tsp Polysorbate 20 (emulsifier)
8 drops Shutran
5 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
5 drops Goldenrod
5 drops Hong Kuai
3 drops Nutmeg

Combine MCT with Polysorbate. This becomes your emulsifying agent. Add aloe vera, glycerin, vit E and essential oils. This circulation boosting lube starts on him to support his soldier.  Safe for women too (anywhere)!

2 tsp 99% pure aloe vera gel
1 tsp Sweet Almond oil or Grapeseed oil
8-10 drops Polysorbate 20 emulsifier
1/2 tsp Vegetable Glycerine
1/2 tsp Vitamin E
5 drops Sensation
3 drops Cypress
3 drops Orange
2-3 drops Peppermint

Combine and place in 1-2 ounce pump bottle.  Stroke everything.
SKINAMINT (edible love lotion)

1/2 tsp Beeswax
3 tsp MCT oil
3 tsp Grapeseed oil (food grade quality)
1/4-1/2 tsp Agave
4-5 drops Peppermint
8 drops Grapefruit
2 drops Orange

Melt beeswax + MCT together. Remove from heat. Add apricot/grapeseed oil and agave. Stir in essential oils. Store in pump bottle.


Ooooh La La
4 drops Sensation
2 drops Orange
2 drops Lavender

Romantic Bliss
3 drops Jasmine
2 drops Orange
2 drops Clary Sage
1 drop Joy

Yin and Yang

3 drops Sandalwood

3 drops Lavender

2 drops Ylang Ylang

Spice It Up

4 drops Orange

3 drops Ylang Ylang

3 drops Lavender


12 Drops Sandalwood
12 Drops Clary Sage
8 Drops Ylang Ylang
8 Drops Bergamot

Apply to wrists and base of skull 2x/day to re-energize and promote hormonal synergy

25 Drops Clary Sage
25 Drops Ylang Ylang
10 Drops Geranium
10 Drops Lavender

Apply over ovaries and inside of ankles 2x/day 5 days prior to menstrual cycle
***I would love to hear what your thoughts are on my first blog post!  Are you planning to try any recipes? Would you like to be notified a couple times/month as I release new posts?  What info about a more natural lifestyle would be helpful to you?  I've love to serve you the best I can to meet your needs!  Thank you so much for you time.

~ Kristi Bowlby 

*Disclaimer - I am not here to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition. YL products have not been approved by the FDA and the content in this class is purely for informational purposes only. Take what you like and leave the rest.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do your own research about these products if you are pregnant to determine if you feel comfortable using them.

1 Comment

  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for the great info!

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