Happy June! 

Another month has come and gone - we are that much closer to warm nights filled with the glow of fireflies and the smell of BBQ cooking on the grill. So grab your oils, kick the diffuser on, and start your month off with some fresh scents.



Young Living is making some exciting changes to significantly improve delivery times. These include switching to UPS SurePost, improving communication and accountability, and developing more robust email alerts. Check your email for more information about the measures they’re taking. Also, look forward to updates about some awesome new tools Young Living has implemented to increase the speed and efficiency in fulfilling your orders.


Protectors give and give and give. From early mornings to late nights, these champions always look out for you. It’s time to pay it forward for Father’s Day! With the Dewdrop Essentials Collection, you can snag your guy a Dewdrop Diffuser. Best part? It’s complimentary, because who doesn’t love free stuff? They will also receive icy Idaho Blue Spruce, nature-like Northern Lights Black Spruce, peppy Peppermint, and lively Lemon.

 This limited-time Father’s Day collection is available June 1 at 12 midnight, MT, through June 13 at 11:59 p.m., MT, and is ideal for macho men, refined gentlemen, or anyone, male or female, who adores diffusing essential oils.

Monthly Young Living Promos

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV! 

 *Receive the Loyalty Rewards Exclusives when your order is placed through the monthly subscription program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!


Have you registered for our Virtual International Grand Convention yet? You need to by June 1, 2021. Don’t wait! 

Although restrictions once again prevent us from gathering in person, YL’s far-reaching global platform makes it possible to connect with hundreds of thousands for our second official VIGC taking place June 16–19, 2021. For more info and to register, go HERE: 


Featured Recipes

As you heat up those grills and invite family over to relax, be sure to include your Vitality oils in the mix. First up - burgers! Did you know? Black Pepper Vitality stimulates the entire digestive system and WAY more! Google it. 



A burger just isn’t complete without some french fries. Right? Try this easy recipe using Rosemary Vitality! Did you know? Rosemary Vitality can be very supportive to the digestive, immune, and respiratory systems. 



Featured Products

Did you know that June 13th is National Children's Day? 

National Children’s Day is a day to honor the children in our lives by slowing down our fast-paced lives, turning off the tech, and refocusing on the important things. Make sure the children in your life have oils to use from the KidScents line - perfectly crafted with your babes in mind. While there are many products and oils that make up this unique line, we will just focus on two right now - SleepyIze and GeneYus. 

SleepyIze is perfect for calming and relaxing the mind and body before bedtime (or naptime). It contains all these amazing oils - Lavender, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Tangerine, Bergamot, Sacred Frankincense, Valerian, and Ruta (Rue).

GeneYus is perfect for helping young minds focus and concentrate on projects and the task at hand. It contains all these oils - Sacred Frankincense, Blue Cypress, Cedarwood, Idaho Blue Spruce, Palo Santo, Melissa, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Bergamot, Myrrh, Vetiver, Geranium, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Hyssop, and Rose. How incredible is that!? And don’t forget - adults can use these blends, too! 

I hope you have a wonderful month as we head into summer.  Safe travels if that is part of your summer plans! I hope you enjoy the gifts of nature, sunshine and friendship and the beautiful weather welcomes us to enjoy more time outdoors!

In Health + Wellness,
Kristi Bowlby


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