August Sharing the Love Newsletter with e-book attached

August Sharing the Love Newsletter with e-book attached

Happy August 1st, sweet friend!  

This month brings an end to the summer fun and for many of us, back-to-school time. This year is no doubt going to be different as some of us will participate in homeschooling for the first time, some will do remote learning online, and some will do in-person learning with new rules and requirements. There will be lots of adjusting and lots of processing of emotions. 

Try this protocol created by our Young Living Founder, D. Gary Young. It’s sure to help you conquer these new challenges! Many of you know and love this as 'The Great Day Protocol'. 

Here is the e-book for you to save for reference or print! 


Do you need a reminder about how to use your Starter Kit oils or some new recipes to get back to using all of that healthy goodness? This Getting Started with Essential Oils e-book will help you! Inside the guide, you’ll learn how to unleash the power of essential oils, find recipes such as Lavender linen spray, Raven shower bombs and how to make a Citronella floating candle bowl, and take your wellness to the next level. A printed copy of this guide can be found in future Premium Starter Kits, but you can check it out on Issuu today! Click this link if you want your own copy?


Just a reminder… beginning September 1, when we are on the new shopping platform, any order in the US 100PV or more will automatically get free shipping!!!! This includes SHOP and Essential Rewards orders.


This program will take the place of the 100PV level promo. The last day to redeem unused shipping credits with YL GO or YL GO+ is August 15. Any unused credits left on members accounts on September 1 will be converted to product credit. 

Reach out to me personally to stay tuned on Sharing the Love for more info about this....



As we approach a time of the year where immune support will be at the forefront of our minds, it’s important to consider the quality of our gut health. Without good probiotic bacteria in our guts, all the bad things we are exposed to can wreak havoc on our bodies. It is vitally important to flood our bodies with GOOD bacteria to support our immune systems properly. Make sure that you have a high quality probiotic that is multi-strain and will colonize your gut from top to bottom.

Life 9 has NINE different strains of probiotic bacteria, each carefully selected to diversify your gut flora. It also has 17 billion live and active cultures. It helps promote healthy digestion, supports gut health, and helps maintain normal intestinal function for the overall support of a healthy immune system. Take one targeted-release capsule every night following a meal or as needed.  Greg, Ava and I take this daily. Evelyn is 7 years old and take the KidScents MightyPro (kids probiotic) which is 1/2 the dose of Life9, so also a great option for anyone who has trouble swallowing pills.


Monthly Young Living Promos

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 400 PV! 


I hope you find peace in your hearts and positivity as we move forward into August and the upcoming changes for us and our kids.  It's now, more than ever, that we need to be aware of the affect of what we put ON our skin and IN our mouths to keep our immune systems strong and stay healthy.  

Please keep in touch and, as always, email or text me as questions arise.  Even if we have never spoken before, I'm happy to help you with learning more about oils, supplements, supporting our hormones or immune systems or any other concerns that may arise.

June Sharing the Love Newsletter + 6 Kids Roller Recipes

June Sharing the Love Newsletter + 6 Kids Roller Recipes

~ Happy June ~  

June is YL Convention month!!!! + the release of new product with tons of education.  I'm sad I won't be headed to Utah this year but I plan to provide you with tons of education on Sharing the Love or via text or email!  Email me if you'd like to be updated on all the new products later this month! 

This month we get to honor all the fathers in our lives, showing them just how special they really are. So grab your oils and whip up this easy grilling marinade, throw some steaks on the grill, and celebrate!


Did you know that June 14th is National Children's Day? 

National Children’s Day is a day to honor the children in our lives by slowing down our fast-paced lives, turning off the tech, and refocusing on the important things. Have your kids help you make these special, kid-friendly rollers and enjoy the time together. If you don’t have kids of your own use this time to make these rollers as a gift for some children in your life.

Monthly Young Living Promos

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV! 


Virtual International Grand Convention 

Wednesday, June 17–Saturday, June 20, 2020

Let the learning begin! The Virtual International Grand Convention (VIGC) will feature a workshop lineup packed with knowledgeable speakers, captivating topics, and a wealth of valuable information. From new product education to business training and the latest in personal development, you’ll find all of the relevant information to fit your needs. Registration ends June 5th so don’t wait! Go HERE to register.


Virtual Aroma Sharing

Aroma Sharing virtual vendor event is happening ONLINE this year June 4th - 17th! Aroma Sharing is a virtual vendor event for ALL things oily. Unique jewelry, oil racks, cute labels, bags and containers.  It's like an Etsy online shop for all things oily!  Register for FREE here. and Join the Facebook group for a sneak peek of the vendors!


If there is one thing we have all grown accustomed to recently, it’s keeping things clean - our hands and all the surfaces we touch. Do yourself a favor and use products that will support your body, not make it work harder. Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer, Spray, and Wipes are just what you need! They can easily be thrown in a purse, a backpack, or even your pocket for quick, on-the-go use. The sanitizer is gentle and nourishing, yet super effective. The spray can be used on virtually any surface - shopping carts, counter tops, steering wheels, etc. The wipes leave your surfaces smelling fresh and clean without any rinsing. And best of all - they’re all made with naturally derived, plant-based ingredients. The power of Thieves can truly go with you anywhere

Oil of the Month: Deep Relief

The Deep Relief Roll-On was one of the freebies last month. Did you get some? If not be sure to grab one for those long days out in the yard pruning your garden. Your muscles will thank you! It contains nine invigorating essentials oils like Wintergreen, Dorado Azul, and Peppermint.

Roll it on your neck, back, or temples for an instant refreshing, cooling sensation. This blend comes in a convenient 10 ml roll-on OR in a 5 ml bottle within the “Active & Fit Kit.” This kit also includes Cool Azul Sports Gel as well as 5 ml bottles of R.C., Thieves, Copaiba, Peppermint Vitality, three roller fitments, and a cute carrying case. It’s definitely a killer collection! 

Please feel free to connect with me at anytime! I also offer Tuesday tips via text if you'd like a new recipe weekly to expand your natural wellness options!  Email or text my biz cell @ 734.926.8994.

In Health + Wellness,
Kristi Bowlby


Natural Options for Heartburn and Acid Reflux Relief

Heartburn or acid reflux is triggered when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus. It may feel like a burning in your chest or throat. Common medications may have significant side effects, especially over the long term.  There are many natural remedies that can be helpful to calm the symptoms.  Sometimes this may require time and patience, especially if symptoms have been present for a long time.  

We must also always consider the root cause of the issue.  Foods and lifestyle choices are primary causes and will need to be altered to truly stop the cycle.  Many people with indigestion produce too little stomach acid but consume foods the lead to acidity.  To combat this issue, you want to naturally balance the pH level of your stomach, leading to a more alkaline environment.  

There are many natural options to consider that address some of the primary causes of heartburn rather than just covering up the symptoms.  Alkalime is a powder supplement that contains ingredients to balance the pH of the stomach and create a more alkaline environment.  A good quality probiotic and digestive enzymes are also important.  HCL and Pepsin supplements (always take them in combination) are another option to resupply the acid/enzymes in the stomach to help digest food. 

Essential oils that are used for acid reflux have different mechanisms of providing relief. Some oils may cause symptoms to subside quickly, while others may take a bit longer, but in the long run, all of these essential oils can be beneficial for reducing heartburn symptoms. 

Here are some ways to reduce acid reflux or heartburn:

1. GINGER ~ Sip ginger tea*.  And/or rub a few drops on stomach with a carrier oil as needed. 

Lemon and Ginger essential oils block acid production and suppress H.Pylori bacteria activity, soothing digestive issues, bloating and stomach aches.

2. LEMON ~ Lemon juice is acidic, but lemon essential oils helps to neutralize stomach acid and provide a more alkaline environment.  It’s also mildly antibacterial and can kill bad bacteria to give your digestive system a good cleanse. Lemon is great for a detox, which is why adding a drop to a glass of water can help flush out all toxins and leftover acids in your stomach, giving your stomach the confidence to produce fresh, highly concentrated acid to optimally digest your next meal.See info about Alkalime below in the supplements section. Try Lemon essential oil* in water or tea.  

3. PEPPERMINT ~ Inhaling the essence of a peppermint essential oil may help ease heartburn, upset stomach, and nausea. Massage the diluted oil on your chest, belly, or back.  Peppermint can help relax an overactive digestive system. If heartburn has progressed to GERD, Peppermint may be more aggravating. You can also create a soothing drink with a drop of peppermint oil* mixed with ½ teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of Manuka honey mixed in a glass of warm water. Sip this slowly at the start of the day to give your digestive system a boost. Rubbing a drop of diluted peppermint oil on your belly can also bring instant relief from bloating and reflux.  

4. DI-GIZE ~ Combine 3 drops in a capsule with a few drops of coconut or olive oil and take daily or add 1-2 drops to water. Di-Gize is an essential oil blend of tarragon, ginger, peppermint, juniper, fennel, lemongrass, anise and patchouli which all aid in digestion. 

5. LAVENDER ~ Place a couple drops on pillow at night or rub into chest/stomach, especially helpful for calming the system at night for sleep.

* Please do not ingest essential oils not labeled as GRAS for consumption by the FDA.

Add a drop of Ginger essential oil to chamomille tea. Progress to 2-3 drops per cup as tolerated. Sip throughout the day.
Other options to try in place of Ginger: 1 drop of lemon, DiGize or Peppermint as above.

1. Alkalime ~ a supplement from Young Living that functions to create a more alkaline (less acidic) environment in your stomach.  Start with 1 tsp dissolved in water 1/day and progress to taking this supplement 1 hour before meals if needed.  Alkalime contains a balanced mineral complex formulated to neutralize stomach acidity along with lemon and lime essential oils and organic lemon whole lemon powder. 

2. Life 9 Probiotic ~ balances gut bacteria

3. Digestive enzymes ~ Essentialzymes-4 is a great option

4. Magnesium ~ supplement to be taken before bed.  This is also included in Alkalime.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in water

6. Baking Soda ~ A teaspoon of baking soda (a base substance) neutralizes stomach acid so that even if it comes up, you won’t feel that burning sensation. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 8 ounces of water and drink all of it. Repeat as needed, but don’t exceed seven doses in one day. Avoid using this GERD home remedy for more than a week, due to its high salt content and other side effects like swelling or nausea.

1.  Don't Overeat - try smaller meals

2.  Minimize belly fat - Mediterranean diet is an option to consider focusing on decreasing processed foods and minimal refined grains and carbohydrates. 

3.  Avoid foods that cause gassiness/bloating.  For many this may be caused by carbohydrates or an imbalance of gut bacteria. Take note of foods/beverages such as alcohol, coffee, raw onions, citrus, spicy foods, carbonated beverages, processed foods, and refined grains. Journaling may help to fine tune your diet and figure out which foods are contributing to your discomfort.

4.  Elevate the head of your bend for sleeping/rest. Don't sleep on your right side. 

5.  Don't eat within 3 hours of going to bed.  Try eating an apple or banana (potassium may help) a few hours before bed.

In summary, figuring out the cause of your heartburn in combination with finding supplements/essential oils to minimize symptoms can take time and some strategy.  As a society, we have become accustomed to "take a pill" and symptoms disappear immediately. Natural solutions sometime take more time or involve also finding the cause of symptoms to heal from the inside.  Every step is worth the effort! Don't give up and please reach out if you have questions!  I'd love to hear what is working for you!

In Health + Wellness,
Kristi Bowlby


➕ Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

➕The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Natural Options For Supporting Your Immune System

Natural Options For Supporting Your Immune System

Shifting Priorities

Hello! We've almost made it through our first week of social distancing and, as a family, we've made the decision to stay home basically 100% of the time.  Groceries have been delivered once and we've only left the house for walks, runs, and bike rides. I know we are fortunate to be able to work from home and we truly respect and appreciate those on the front line who must leave the house daily, especially those in the medical field.

My priorities have shifted this week. Making sure our kids feel safe and keeping a normalized, yet flexible schedule has been a focus.  We've prioritized family meals every night, playing board games, adventures outside, and reading together.  We have also been diligent about supporting our immune systems daily, knowing these days of social distancing won't last forever.  What we do now matters.  Building a strong immune system doesn't happen overnight, consistency in healthy choices is key and it's about what we put in our bodies as well as what we choose NOT to put in/on our bodies.  We build strong immunity over a lifetime and there is no better time than today to start making small steps and daily healthy choices to give your body the edge it needs to be a barrier.  In a time of uncertainty, we can feel empowered by this option!  Every day can't be perfect, but we do have some control and influence over the state of our healthy and wellness! 
Here are some key areas to focus:

  • Supplements (Vit C, D3, Zinc, Probiotics, + Antioxidants)
  • Stay hydrated (recommended 8x8 rule... 8 ounces of water 8x/day)
  • Quality sleep (we know this but it's SO hard!)
  • Gut health (probiotics are KEY for our immune systems!)
  • Mindset + Relationships (try Zoom or Google Meet, FaceTime or Marco Polo)
  • Real Food intake (antioxidant rich + limiting sugar/processed foods)
  • Air quality/Environment (limit synthetic fragrances/chemicals/cleaners which suppress immunity)
  • Fresh air/Sunshine/Movement
If any of these concepts are new to you, just start with making 1 small change daily.  Each of us get to reflect & choose what we feel our bodies need or what we are capable of at any given time. 
Supplements to Support Immunity

Antioxidants: Ningxia Red for antioxidants: this superfood beverage is liquid gold!! It’s made of wolfberries (gogi berries), which are so incredibly rich in protein, iron, vitamins & minerals. It’s known for amazing immune support, digestive health & it is very bioavailable, since it’s a liquid & our bodies don’t have to digest it & break it down in order to get the nutrients. You can also gain your daily need for antioxidants from eating tons of berries and greens. 

Gut Health: a high quality probiotic. Life 9 probiotic or MightyPro Kids probiotic: probiotics absolutely make the top supplement list for immunity because 80% of our immune system is in our gut. So a strong, healthy gut = strong immunity.  Another key to gut health is avoiding processed foods and eating fermented foods, resistant starches and bone broth.

Vitamin C, Zinc + Vitamin D3: Super C Chewable: quality Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that helps our body rebuild & stay strong. Vitamin C is known for immune support. I love that the YL chewable is easy & tasty for the entire family to use. It has added citrus essential oils for greater health benefits. We take a dropper of isolated D3 a few times/week but also ingest Cod Liver oils for it's incredible health benefits and D3 naturally included. 

Essential Oils: Inner Defense supplement + Thieves: this is made of powerful essential oils that are known for their protective properties. It’s easy to take & use during times of stress, while traveling or when exposed to germs. This supplement is made of Thieves, Oregano, Lemongrass and Thyme essential oils. I always tell friends to take this with food, because it’s strong and sometimes the stomach really feels it. 
Thieves Vitality:  great to take daily, since it is a super high antioxidant & has such protective properties. You can add 4 drops + carrier oil to an empty veggie capsule or sip a few drops in a cup of warm water & honey, as a Thieves Tea. 

Lately I've been researching Olive leaf extract and colloidal silver as well.  

Benefits of Diffusing Essential Oils

The benefits of diffusing essential oils into the air are well documented. Aromatherapy is a science that has been researched more extensively in Europe and Asia because of funding options. You can find some interesting Pub Med research articles on efficacy of essential oils here.  We breathe constantly and air quality actually makes a big impact on our health. Pollutants and toxins in our air can come from germs, cleaning products, fragrance, environmental pollution (such as car fumes or smoke), and from products in our home that off-gas. Some air pollution we cannot control, but a lot of it we can! The most common culprits we can control are things like candles, plug-ins, car air fresheners, what we choose to clean with, and chemicals that might be sprayed around your home or office. These daily products cause stress to our bodies and make our livers work overtime to process and detoxify. 
There are lots of molecules circulating in the air we breathe. Some are supportive and others deplete our systems. When these molecules are met with essential oils in the air from diffusing, there is a microscopic battle that happens & guess what? Essential oils are able to bind and cleanse the air of impurities & create a healthy environment for us to breathe. This is beneficial along with the affects on our limbic system to alter our mindset.  In our home, we seem to constantly have our diffusers running recently and continue to alternate the mixtures for optimal air quality, immune support, and to brighten the mood. Focus and calming blends are key right now!  I let the girls choose a diffuser blend while homeschooling or when they need a reset.  

Keep the toxins out of your home

Our home is our safe space, now more than ever.  Beyond diffusing essential oils into the air, creating a protected and clean environment is important for staying healthy. We take off our shoes right inside the door on a rug that can be laundered and wash our hands immediately upon entering the home. It’s important to use soaps & hand sanitizers that are all natural, moisturizing, and non-damaging to the skin or immune system. Breathing in toxic chemicals puts stress on our body  It also creates stress for our bodies/liver to slather harsh chemicals on our skin. Young Living is one company that creates products that do not cause toxic-overload to our body to filter and process, while still providing the protection & cleansing we need to stay healthy. I've discovered that these products can be hard to find! 

Keep your hands clean

Thieves Hand Sanitizer: 65%+ alcohol based (denatured naturally with peppermint oil, not harsh solvents) & the cleansing protective power of Thieves essential oil blend. This hand sanitizer is so moisturizing and a little goes a long way! It will protect the skin on your hands and leave them feeling great. Not slimy or sticky! 

Thieves or Lavender Foaming Hand Soap: this all-natural hand soap smells amazing & is the best to keep in bathrooms and at the kitchen sink. No harsh ingredients are in this soap, so it will not bog down your system. Here is a link for mini foaming hand soap bottles from Amazon that you can keep in your purse or car, filled with Thieves foaming hand soap! I've started doing this for travel which has been reassuring when I stop into rest areas with my girls :). 
Keep surfaces clean

Thieves Disinfecting Spray.  Throw this portable spray bottle in your handbag or pocket for your necessary errands. Toilet seats, grocery cart handles, cell phones, tables, and door knobs can all be easily spritzed to sanitize with this spray! 

Thieves Cleaner: This concentrate is perfect for keeping your home clean. I truly stand by this product and it continues to be the only cleaner in my home.  It can be used on virtually any surface and gives the best deep clean. You can sprinkle a little baking soda on surfaces where you need additional scouring power & can add additional essential oils to adjust the scent if you prefer.

Young Living has put together a few discounted bundles to get these key products to you. Here is more info if you are interested. or I can hook you up if you are not yet a YL member. 

I am so happy to chat with you more about any of this!  I don't love that we live in an imperfect world with germs, pollution & so many things that put stress on our physical bodies. But I truly am thankful that we DO have access to tools that truly work for taking care of ourselves naturally. I've found some ways that I can tweak & improve my routine for staying healthy as I'm spending more time at home and priorities have shifted.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I've shared with you if you have a minute to comment! 

In Health + Wellness,
Kristi Bowlby

☘️ Sharing the Love March Newsletter - Diffuser recipes + Thieves blog post + Promos ☘️

Hello!  It's March!  I know I'm in the minority, but I really don't mind winter, especially now that the kids are old enough to really enjoy skiing and can go outside and sled independently.  Having a winter outdoor activity we all love has been super helpful with enhancing my enjoyment of the cold months in Michigan.  and... spring is almost here!  

I've been working on my blog and website and am excited to share more content with you within the next couple weeks! You can get an idea of the info that will be available here: This Day By Design.  There will be a "Member's Lounge" password protected portion of the website specifically designed for YOU! This resource will be full of recipes organized for easy reference, classes, and info about oil uses.  Please respond back to this email with any info you would like to see in this area... specific recipes? info about a body system or topic? safety info for pets? info about CBD or Cleaning with Thieves? The idea is to have a website to access when you need info rather than searching our FB group (Sharing the Love) or scrolling Pinterest.  There will be lots of diffuser recipe options too! Thank you for your input!

Classes:  Let's Gather Together - Understanding Hormone Balance

I'm reading more books and researching more info about natural solutions for hormonal balance in preparation for our upcoming Essentially Empowered event on March 24th at 7pm. It's a free event with iTovi scans included and you can register here:   Hormones and Supplements Event Registration.   If you struggle with fatigue, foggy brain, difficulty losing weight, digestive issues, hot flashes or difficulty sleeping, this info could help you! We will also be discussing the top 4 supplements to improve your health. Join us for an evening of community and let's improve our health together! Here is a link to a recent blog post that includes my favorite hormonal balancing blend: Essential Oils to Balance Hormones Recipe


Monthly Young Living Promos

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV! If you'd like more info about how to use each of the promo oils, text me! 734.926.8994 or I can email you more info if you prefer :)

Essential Rewards Bonuses

Receive these oils when your corresponding PV order is placed through the Essential Rewards program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!

 Dates to Remember:

  • March 8th - Daylight Savings Time
  • March 17th - St. Patrick’s Day
  • March 20th - First Day of Spring
  • March 24th - Essentially Empowered Gathering: Understanding Hormones and natural solutions for balance and the Top 4 Supplements for Optimal Health  RSVP here: Hormones + Supplements Gathering  RSVP here for free event

Have you tried Thieves Fruit + Veggie Wash Yet? 

 Grab those fresh fruits and veggies you’re growing (or buying) and wash wash wash them! Even if you’re consuming organic produce, they could still use a good cleanse. (This video is very revealing and only 3 minutes long)  If this video cannot be viewed thru your email you can click this link to see it: Fruit & Veggie Wash safely and effectively gets your produce ready to eat thanks to the three main oil blends contained inside - Thieves, DiGize, and Purification. What a powerful trio! Plus, it comes ultra-concentrated so that bottle will be sure to last a long time. Here is my recent blog post about my other favorite Thieves products:  Plant Based Cleaning for Your Home

All this talk about fresh fruits and veggies has got me thinking about all the tasty herbs that grow this season, too! Did you know that Young Living has done the hard work for you? They’re called Vitality oils and you have got to try them! Grab some Rosemary, Basil, Cilantro and Oregano Vitality this month and enjoy those “fresh herbs” any time you want - no green thumb required. 

Keep in touch and I really look forward to hearing about what kind of info or education would be most helpful for you currently.  Hope to see you on March 24th!  

In Health + Wellness,
Kristi Bowlby


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