Heartburn or acid reflux is triggered when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus. It may feel like a burning in your chest or throat. Common medications may have significant side effects, especially over the long term.  There are many natural remedies that can be helpful to calm the symptoms.  Sometimes this may require time and patience, especially if symptoms have been present for a long time.  

We must also always consider the root cause of the issue.  Foods and lifestyle choices are primary causes and will need to be altered to truly stop the cycle.  Many people with indigestion produce too little stomach acid but consume foods the lead to acidity.  To combat this issue, you want to naturally balance the pH level of your stomach, leading to a more alkaline environment.  

There are many natural options to consider that address some of the primary causes of heartburn rather than just covering up the symptoms.  Alkalime is a powder supplement that contains ingredients to balance the pH of the stomach and create a more alkaline environment.  A good quality probiotic and digestive enzymes are also important.  HCL and Pepsin supplements (always take them in combination) are another option to resupply the acid/enzymes in the stomach to help digest food. 

Essential oils that are used for acid reflux have different mechanisms of providing relief. Some oils may cause symptoms to subside quickly, while others may take a bit longer, but in the long run, all of these essential oils can be beneficial for reducing heartburn symptoms. 

Here are some ways to reduce acid reflux or heartburn:

1. GINGER ~ Sip ginger tea*.  And/or rub a few drops on stomach with a carrier oil as needed. 

Lemon and Ginger essential oils block acid production and suppress H.Pylori bacteria activity, soothing digestive issues, bloating and stomach aches.

2. LEMON ~ Lemon juice is acidic, but lemon essential oils helps to neutralize stomach acid and provide a more alkaline environment.  It’s also mildly antibacterial and can kill bad bacteria to give your digestive system a good cleanse. Lemon is great for a detox, which is why adding a drop to a glass of water can help flush out all toxins and leftover acids in your stomach, giving your stomach the confidence to produce fresh, highly concentrated acid to optimally digest your next meal.See info about Alkalime below in the supplements section. Try Lemon essential oil* in water or tea.  

3. PEPPERMINT ~ Inhaling the essence of a peppermint essential oil may help ease heartburn, upset stomach, and nausea. Massage the diluted oil on your chest, belly, or back.  Peppermint can help relax an overactive digestive system. If heartburn has progressed to GERD, Peppermint may be more aggravating. You can also create a soothing drink with a drop of peppermint oil* mixed with ½ teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of Manuka honey mixed in a glass of warm water. Sip this slowly at the start of the day to give your digestive system a boost. Rubbing a drop of diluted peppermint oil on your belly can also bring instant relief from bloating and reflux.  

4. DI-GIZE ~ Combine 3 drops in a capsule with a few drops of coconut or olive oil and take daily or add 1-2 drops to water. Di-Gize is an essential oil blend of tarragon, ginger, peppermint, juniper, fennel, lemongrass, anise and patchouli which all aid in digestion. 

5. LAVENDER ~ Place a couple drops on pillow at night or rub into chest/stomach, especially helpful for calming the system at night for sleep.

* Please do not ingest essential oils not labeled as GRAS for consumption by the FDA.

Add a drop of Ginger essential oil to chamomille tea. Progress to 2-3 drops per cup as tolerated. Sip throughout the day.
Other options to try in place of Ginger: 1 drop of lemon, DiGize or Peppermint as above.

1. Alkalime ~ a supplement from Young Living that functions to create a more alkaline (less acidic) environment in your stomach.  Start with 1 tsp dissolved in water 1/day and progress to taking this supplement 1 hour before meals if needed.  Alkalime contains a balanced mineral complex formulated to neutralize stomach acidity along with lemon and lime essential oils and organic lemon whole lemon powder. 

2. Life 9 Probiotic ~ balances gut bacteria

3. Digestive enzymes ~ Essentialzymes-4 is a great option

4. Magnesium ~ supplement to be taken before bed.  This is also included in Alkalime.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in water

6. Baking Soda ~ A teaspoon of baking soda (a base substance) neutralizes stomach acid so that even if it comes up, you won’t feel that burning sensation. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 8 ounces of water and drink all of it. Repeat as needed, but don’t exceed seven doses in one day. Avoid using this GERD home remedy for more than a week, due to its high salt content and other side effects like swelling or nausea.

1.  Don't Overeat - try smaller meals

2.  Minimize belly fat - Mediterranean diet is an option to consider focusing on decreasing processed foods and minimal refined grains and carbohydrates. 

3.  Avoid foods that cause gassiness/bloating.  For many this may be caused by carbohydrates or an imbalance of gut bacteria. Take note of foods/beverages such as alcohol, coffee, raw onions, citrus, spicy foods, carbonated beverages, processed foods, and refined grains. Journaling may help to fine tune your diet and figure out which foods are contributing to your discomfort.

4.  Elevate the head of your bend for sleeping/rest. Don't sleep on your right side. 

5.  Don't eat within 3 hours of going to bed.  Try eating an apple or banana (potassium may help) a few hours before bed.

In summary, figuring out the cause of your heartburn in combination with finding supplements/essential oils to minimize symptoms can take time and some strategy.  As a society, we have become accustomed to "take a pill" and symptoms disappear immediately. Natural solutions sometime take more time or involve also finding the cause of symptoms to heal from the inside.  Every step is worth the effort! Don't give up and please reach out if you have questions!  I'd love to hear what is working for you!

In Health + Wellness,
Kristi Bowlby


➕ Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

➕The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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