Back to School Wellness Tips for Parents to Help Your Kids Thrive

Back to School Wellness Tips for Parents to Help Your Kids Thrive

Hello!  Here in Michigan we are getting ready to start school after Labor Day again this year, but I know many of you are already navigating a new path with virtual or in person school starting earlier.  The decisions we have had to make as parents, students, and teachers this year has certainly been a challenge, and the best we can do is what works for each of us individually.  I hope you have found a comfortable, supported solution and that your family thrives this year!

With every new school year and transition to fall, whether we have children or not, there is a tendency to re-evaluate our health and wellness.  And now, more than ever, we are compelled to think about the well-being of our family. 

Many personal care products, vitamins, and supplements are formulated with harmful chemicals and synthetics that can be very damaging to the body long term. They can cause developmental and hormonal problems, which is definitely something we all want to avoid with our precious growing children. We are all constantly learning more about optimizing our health from the inside out and doing the best we can... Maya Angelou may have said it best:  "do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." 

In this post you will learn some of my favorite routines and products to use with my kids (and myself) to keep us healthy, supported emotionally, and ready to take on the challenges of each new day.  Feel free to scroll thru to find a few great roller ball recipes including oil blends for Calming, Focus, Joy + Energy, and a Peaceful bedtime diffuser blend. 

Using Essential Oils with Kids 
Before we dive into the specifics, let’s discuss using essential oils with kids. They are our precious babes and we only want what’s best for them. Remember, not all essential oils are created equally. Young Living takes GREAT care to ensure you are getting the best, most pure oils, that are safe to use on and around your kiddos. We just have to take into account their smaller bodies and learning immune systems. Here are a few safety tips.
  1. When in doubt, dilute. There are no hard and fast rules about dilution so don’t stress over it. You just want to start slow since their systems are more sensitive than adults’. A good place to test out oils is on the feet. For ages 0-1, start off with 1 drop of essential oil and add 8 drops of carrier (Young Living’s V-6 oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, etc.). For ages 2-6, try 1 drop of essential oil and add 3 drops of carrier. For ages 7-11, try 1 drop of essential oil and add 1 drop of carrier. For ages 12+, use your best judgment based on the oil you choose to use. 
  2. Be cautious using “hot” oils topically. Examples of hot oils and blends include Cinnamon, Clove, Lemongrass, Oregano, Thyme, Exodus II, and Thieves. For some people, Peppermint’s cooling sensation can be too intense. These oils will need heavier dilution when applied to an area that’s more sensitive. Try them on the feet or spine to be safe. Wash your hands after applying these oils by hand; you don’t want any accidentally getting into someone’s eyes. If that ever happens, don’t worry! You can pull the essential oil out with a fatty carrier like coconut oil. 
  3. Start slow when diffusing. Start with just a few drops or less when diffusing around kids. As you see how they respond to the oils, you can increase the amount as you see fit. If you’re in a more open room, you can use more. If you diffuse in a smaller, more compact area, use less. Everyone’s body has different needs and responds to oils in his/her own unique way, so start slow. 
Don’t let all the “rules” with essential oils overwhelm you. Just get the oils on and around your kids; the oils will do their job. Lastly, involve your kids in the oil process… let them smell the oils, pick out their favorites, and whip up their own rollers and recipes. They’ll love getting to participate!

The Importance of Daily Routines & Consistency
It is important to note that essential oils are not designed as a one-time use kind of product. They are PART of our wellness toolbox and are best utilized by our bodies when used regularly and consistently. Most body systems take about 3 months of consistent and specific support to rejuvenate them. So use them every day; make them part of your daily routine and your kids’ routines. 
Tips for Using Your Oils Daily
  • Have your oils OUT and visible. If your oils are stored deep in a cluttered drawer they will be out of sight, out of mind. Keep them on a stand, a shelf, on a counter, wherever you will SEE them and use them.
  • Label and/or organize your oils. Group them in similar colors or organize them alphabetically. You could even set them apart based on certain health needs you have. 
  • Make rollers. Rollers provide a quick, convenient way to dilute your oils and have them ready for application whenever you or your child has a need. Plus, they fit in backpacks, purses, pockets, anywhere! And they empower your kids to use them when their body needs them. 
  • Pair your oils with other daily activities you’re already accustomed to. Set a roller by your toothbrush so you apply it every morning. Have a bottle of oil and a carafe of water sitting next to your diffuser on your bedside table so you don’t forget to diffuse at bedtime. Set rollers or sprays near the backdoor where you store your shoes or purse and use them on your way out. You can do this; get creative!
This protocol is a GREAT way to start your day... for kids and adults! Bring on the CALM and COURAGE!

Daily Wellness Ideas
Here are some of our families’ favorites to support our bodies daily, keeping our systems functioning above the wellness line.

Thieves Roll-On
Thieves Roll-On combines Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils and helps support your immune system.  This blend can also be diffused to open airways and disinfect the air your breathe.

Super C (chewable or tablet) 
Because our bodies cannot manufacture vitamin C, we can benefit by consuming this powerful antioxidant daily. Conveniently, this one comes in a tablet and a chewable.  Each one has their own unique amount of vitamin C - the tablet contains 1440% of the recommended dietary intake of vitamin C per serving and the chewable contains 170% DV per tablet. The ingredients in Super C play a role in normal immune and circulatory functions, help to strengthen connective tissues, and promote overall health, vitality, and longevity. Vitamin C also protects against chlorine absorption.

Super Vitamin D (new this summer to YL line-up!)
Young Living’s plant-based Super Vitamin D is highly absorbable, vegan friendly, and completely synthetic free. It comes in a dissolvable tablet with a kid-friendly mixed-berry flavor. This source of vitamin D helps support bone growth, healthy muscle, mood and hormone regulation. It also plays a key function in respiratory health, and through its innate and adaptive defense mechanisms, supports the body’s respiratory immune system. Most humans NEED extra Vit D3 in their systems!!

Essential oils can play a HUGE role in supporting our bodies when used regularly. Apply them or diffuse them while you get ready in the mornings and during your bedtime routine. You can even send rollers to “school” or apply oils to a diffuser bracelet or fidget spinner. If you’re doing school at home, have oils at the ready to apply or diffuse while the kids work. Thieves, Lemon, Frankincense, ImmuPower, Longevity, GeneYus, Oregano - these are all great ones to be using daily. Some of these come in Vitality versions too so they can be taken internally in veggie capsules, mixed in drinks or smoothies, or added to food. 
These are just a FEW items you can be using daily. There are MANY more you can start to incorporate based on your family’s needs so let’s walk through some examples for the morning, day, and night. 

Morning Must-Haves

Now that your children are rested, you can get the morning off to the best start with nutrition and complete body support.

Start them off with a nutritious breakfast.
Young Living provides great breakfast options using Einkorn flour like Einkorn Flakes Cereal, Einkorn Granola, and Einkorn Pancakes or waffles. They even offer a gluten-free Pancake mix!

Einkorn is an ancient grain that has higher levels of protein, trace minerals, and lower gluten levels than hybridized, modern wheat.   

Add in a Pre/Probiotic.
Kidscents MightyPro - Pre/Probiotics that taste like candy and do their job in supporting a healthy gut.
Gut health is important for healthy emotions and the ability to absorb nutrients.  Many adults take this supplement if they have difficulty swallowing pills (or because they love the taste). Just ingest 2 packets get the same number of cultures as the Life 9 adult probiotic. 

Give them their vitamins - MightyVites! 
Are you worried that your kids aren’t eating enough veggies? We have you covered. Young Living vitamins are formulated without the dyes and synthetic ingredients found in your typical kid vitamin. 
Kidscents MightyVites chewables benefit from Orgen-kids®, a nutrient-dense, food-based superfruit, plant, and vegetable complex. Free of preservatives and artificial colors and flavors, these delicious, berry-flavored chewables give your children full nutritional support.
MightyZyme chewables contain enzymes that naturally occur in the body to support and assist the digestive needs of growing bodies and the normal digestion of foods.
  • Use these chewables for relief of occasional symptoms including fullness, pressure, bloating, stuffed feeling (commonly referred to as gas), pain and/or minor cramping that may occur after eating.
Multigreens is a capsule, full of super greens including spiralina, kelp and chlorella that can be opened to add to yogurt, juice or a smoothie to get the anti-oxidant and health benefits from greens.

NingXia Red is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness. This antioxidant-packed drink supports energy levels, normal cellular function, and whole-body and normal eye health. A daily shot of 1-2 ounces helps support overall wellness with powerful antioxidants.  My kids LOVE THIS, especially with a drop of Lemon or Lime eo added. 

Stay Calm

Now that your kids are rested, have the best nutrition in their bellies, and are armed with their wellness roll-on, it’s time to support their emotions during and after school.

School can be a rough time for everyone. It is filled with excitement and anxiety. The best way to combat stress quickly is to use essential oils. Remember that when you inhale essential oils, the tiny molecules go deep into the brain, straight to the places that help you manage your emotions.
One of my favorite mom tricks is to apply your child's favorite calming oil to a diffuser bracelet. The lava rocks absorb the oil so your kids can smell it throughout the day. Apply 1-2 drops just before school.


Combine these essential oils in a 10 ml bottle with a roll-on top 
  • 10 drops of Orange
  • 10 drops of Lavender                                               
  • 10 drops of Peace & Calming
  • Top the bottle off with YL V6 carrier oil and apply to your wrists as often as needed

If you are new to oils and aren’t sure which ones to try first, here are a few favorites that are very effective in calming nerves. 

Oils in the Premium Starter Kit to calm nerves and alleviate stress
- Lavender
- Stress Away
- Frankincense
- Valor gives a boost of confidence
- Peace & Calming is relaxing and calming
Oils outside the PSK that are GAME CHANGERS
- Vetiver is calming and stop the brain from spinning out of control
- Check out the Great Day Protocol above for a daily way to calm your nervous system.

Get Focused
Whether it’s during school or after, kids are always learning new concepts and need to be able to focus on tasks. 

Teach your kids how to use the Focus Roll-On recipe on their neck and wrists and to inhale when they need help focusing.

If your school does not allow your child to keep essential oils roll-ons in their backpack or at their desk, you can try two alternatives. 

1) Have the school nurse hold on to the roll-on. Your children can go see her when they need to apply the Focus Roll-On. 
2) Apply one drop of each oil to their diffuser bracelet before they leave for school. Instruct them to smell the bracelet before important focus times like after recess and lunch, and before tests.


Combine these essential oils in a 10 ml bottle with a roll-on top 
  • 10 drops of Cedarwood
  • 10 drops of Lavender                                                
  • 10 drops of Vetiver
  • Top the bottle off with YL V6 carrier oil and apply to your wrists/back of neck as often as needed.

Popular oils for focus
- Lavender
- Lemon
- Peppermint
- Cedarwood
- Vetiver
- Rosemary
- Brain Power
- GenYus
1) Play around with different oils to see which may be more effective. Every child can respond differently. 
2) Use these oils along with the “stay calm” blend for extra effect.
3) Diffuse or apply Lemon to your child’s diffuser bracelet during study time. Apply Lemon again before tests.

I have read that inhaling the scent of Lemon or Peppermint oil during a test will help to recall information they retained the last time they smelled these oils while studying.

Energize and Be Joyful!
Emotional ups and downs anyone?  Feeling sad, unorganized or unsettled? A drop of Joy over your heart can change your mood quickly.  

Combine these essential oils in a 10 ml bottle with a roll-on top 
  • 3 drops of Joy
  • 7 drops of Peppermint                                                
  • 10 drops of Lemon
  • 10 drops of Orange
  • Top the bottle off with YL V6 carrier oil and apply to your wrists as often as needed.
- JOY is a beautiful blend of ten different essential oils that helps stimulate uplifting emotions.
- ORANGE & LEMON help bring peace and happiness to mind and body.
- PEPPERMINT is stimulating & invigorating in case you need a little energy boost.

Bedtime Routine

Nothing says “get ready for school” like a good night’s rest.  Routines are important for kids because they provide quality time before bed. When you have a routine, kids are less likely to resist bedtime, and they are more likely to fall asleep fast and stay asleep through the night.

Try these four steps in your Night Time Routine. 

Step 1
Start with a bath. Baths can be a great way to calm your kids down before bedtime. 
Use the KidScents Shampoo and KidScents Bath Gel. They are free of harmful chemicals.
*KidScents Bath Gel and Shampoo contain wheat.
Step 2
Before putting on pajamas, lotion them up with KidScents lotion. Add a drop of Lavender and apply to feet. YL lotion is formulated with no mineral oils, no synthetic perfumes, no artificial coloring, and no toxic ingredients. Adding Lavender will make sleep even more restful. 
*KidScents Lotion contains wheat.
Step 3
Brush their teeth with the KidScents Slique Toothpaste.
Some popular kinds of toothpaste still contain triclosan, a harmful chemical the FDA banned from antibacterial hand soap. The Young Living KidScents product does not contain any triclosan or Flouride. It is formulated with all safe and effective ingredients. 
Step 4
Put 4-6 drops of SleepyIze and/or Lavender in the diffuser and turn out the lights.
Essential oils are an effective way to calm your children and help them get a restful night's sleep. 

Other favorites are the Owl Diffuser or the Desert Mist diffuser that will stay on for ten hours and includes eleven different light options.

Every product that I have discussed in this post is from Young Living. YL makes all of its products WITHOUT the use of harmful or synthetic chemicals. The essential oils used to infuse the products are PURE.

Pure, high-quality products are more effective and create lasting results, which is exactly what every parent wants.

Young Living's Seed to Seal Promise is proof that YL has your best interests in mind. 
Young Living owns many farms and also has partner farms that have to abide by the same rules and regulations. 
Young Living goes above and beyond organic standards to provide natural products that work. YL farms on land without the use of pesticides, hand weeds fields, and tests its essential oils multiple times in its million-dollar labs to produce products with the purest and highest quality chemical constituents. If a batch doesn't meet these HIGH standards, YL will not bottle it up and send it to you. 
Check out more about the YL seed to seal process at  
I'm curious about your thoughts and would love to hear from you!  What ideas do you have on incorporating oils into your daily routine, especially when it comes to school? 
Do you have any great morning routine hacks to share? 

How to Order…

The best way to order your skincare products is to become a Young Living member so you can get all of it at 24% off and have access to all the other membership perks like Essential Rewards. Get started by picking out your Starter Kit! You can pick from the Premium Oils Kit, the Ningxia Red Kit, the Thieves Kit, a Savvy Minerals Makeup Kit… OR you can choose the Basic Kit and add on all the skincare items you want to create a personalized kit! 

You will automatically get a LIFETIME membership with Young Living!! That means you can forever take advantage of the 24% discount! You will also have access to our private Facebook communities where we offer support, encouragement, and a place for you to ask questions! You will even have the ability to refer your friends for cash!

Click here to pick out your Starter Kit!


➕ Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

➕The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

June Sharing the Love Newsletter + 6 Kids Roller Recipes

June Sharing the Love Newsletter + 6 Kids Roller Recipes

~ Happy June ~  

June is YL Convention month!!!! + the release of new product with tons of education.  I'm sad I won't be headed to Utah this year but I plan to provide you with tons of education on Sharing the Love or via text or email!  Email me if you'd like to be updated on all the new products later this month! 

This month we get to honor all the fathers in our lives, showing them just how special they really are. So grab your oils and whip up this easy grilling marinade, throw some steaks on the grill, and celebrate!


Did you know that June 14th is National Children's Day? 

National Children’s Day is a day to honor the children in our lives by slowing down our fast-paced lives, turning off the tech, and refocusing on the important things. Have your kids help you make these special, kid-friendly rollers and enjoy the time together. If you don’t have kids of your own use this time to make these rollers as a gift for some children in your life.

Monthly Young Living Promos

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV! 


Virtual International Grand Convention 

Wednesday, June 17–Saturday, June 20, 2020

Let the learning begin! The Virtual International Grand Convention (VIGC) will feature a workshop lineup packed with knowledgeable speakers, captivating topics, and a wealth of valuable information. From new product education to business training and the latest in personal development, you’ll find all of the relevant information to fit your needs. Registration ends June 5th so don’t wait! Go HERE to register.


Virtual Aroma Sharing

Aroma Sharing virtual vendor event is happening ONLINE this year June 4th - 17th! Aroma Sharing is a virtual vendor event for ALL things oily. Unique jewelry, oil racks, cute labels, bags and containers.  It's like an Etsy online shop for all things oily!  Register for FREE here. and Join the Facebook group for a sneak peek of the vendors!


If there is one thing we have all grown accustomed to recently, it’s keeping things clean - our hands and all the surfaces we touch. Do yourself a favor and use products that will support your body, not make it work harder. Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer, Spray, and Wipes are just what you need! They can easily be thrown in a purse, a backpack, or even your pocket for quick, on-the-go use. The sanitizer is gentle and nourishing, yet super effective. The spray can be used on virtually any surface - shopping carts, counter tops, steering wheels, etc. The wipes leave your surfaces smelling fresh and clean without any rinsing. And best of all - they’re all made with naturally derived, plant-based ingredients. The power of Thieves can truly go with you anywhere

Oil of the Month: Deep Relief

The Deep Relief Roll-On was one of the freebies last month. Did you get some? If not be sure to grab one for those long days out in the yard pruning your garden. Your muscles will thank you! It contains nine invigorating essentials oils like Wintergreen, Dorado Azul, and Peppermint.

Roll it on your neck, back, or temples for an instant refreshing, cooling sensation. This blend comes in a convenient 10 ml roll-on OR in a 5 ml bottle within the “Active & Fit Kit.” This kit also includes Cool Azul Sports Gel as well as 5 ml bottles of R.C., Thieves, Copaiba, Peppermint Vitality, three roller fitments, and a cute carrying case. It’s definitely a killer collection! 

Please feel free to connect with me at anytime! I also offer Tuesday tips via text if you'd like a new recipe weekly to expand your natural wellness options!  Email or text my biz cell @ 734.926.8994.

In Health + Wellness,
Kristi Bowlby


Oils in the Bedroom

Oils in the Bedroom

HELLO BEAUTIFUL! This post is about putting a little spark in your life... between the sheets!  I've included a bunch of recipes as well... some for the diffuser to enhance the mood, edible lubricants, stroking oil blends, and a few more specific to enhancing sensations and getting your tingle on. ;)  Most of this info is from Lucy Libido's book: There's an Oils for THAT....a Girlfriend's guide to using Essential Oils between the sheets.  This post is quite long, but full of juicy bits for women, for men, for understanding your hormones and much more!  Scroll thru and find the info that fits your life today!  

Enjoy and Happy Valentine's Day! 
~ Kristi Bowlby

Essential Oils to Balance Hormones Recipe

Essential Oils to Balance Hormones Recipe
Two of the most common things that women are exposed to, stress and toxic chemicals, can trigger a hormone imbalance. Although we recommend you try to avoid toxic chemicals by creating a chemical-free home, this serum, made from essential oils to balance hormones, has been known to be a true lifesaver for PMS, mood swings, and overall hormone imbalance by balancing hormones with essential oils.


There are many things you can do to relieve hormonal imbalance naturally but essential oils can be particularly powerful. Clary Sage has been used since Medieval times to treat PMS, infertility, difficult or irregular menstrual cycles, lowered libido, and difficult menopausal symptoms like sweats and hot flashes. Lavender essential oil will promote relaxation and help you deal with any added stress caused by your hormone imbalance.

But first –  realize that using essential oils to balance hormones is just one step you need to consider when looking for healing. Diet can play a huge role in hormone imbalance issues. For example, dairy often contains hormones that can throw your levels our of whack, while healthy nuts and seeds like hemp seeds can help bring hormones into balance. 

I also want to make sure you aren’t making a hormone imbalance WORSE with toxic ingredients in your home. Did you know many air fresheners and fragrances have hormone disrupting ingredients in them? Many laundry care products also have dangerous chemicals – dyes, fragrances, and cleaning agents can all have negative effects on your body’s hormonal balance. As you look to heal your body with essential oils to balance your hormones, make sure you detox your home to eliminate harmful chemicals as well!


After creating your Hormone Balancing Serum, massage a few drops over your thyroid and adrenals (front of neck and low back) in the morning and before bed. 


  • 10 ml Evening Primrose oil (you can use another carrier oil)
  • 4 drops Clary Sage oil
  • 4 drops of Frankincense oil
  • 4 drops Lavender oil
  • 4 drops Geranium
  • 2 drops Ylang Ylang oil
  • 10 ml Roller Bottle


  1. Put essential oils in roller bottle and fill with evening primrose oil.
  2. Massage over neck (thyroid) and along lower back/over kidneys (adrenals) morning and night.


Clary Sage – Clary sage is known to have anti-inflammatory and antidepressant effects, as well as shown to relieve cramps and pain from hormonal surges in women. This is a must-try for hormone balancing blends.

Frankincense – One of my favorite essential oils for overall balance and to enhance the effects of other essential oils in many of my blends.

Lavender – The restful anti-anxiety properties of lavender essential oil make it invaluable in this hormone balancing blend.

Geranium –  An essential oil with proven benefits for libido, stress and other menopause or hormonal imbalance symptoms.

Ylang Ylang – The queen of essential oils, this floral essential oil is one I turn to for libido, stress and more.

Bone Broth Recipe

Bone Broth Recipe
Bone broth has been a weekly staple in our family for about 10 years.  I initially heard about this amazing supplement when I attended my first Weston A Price meeting and after making it for the first time, never went back to 'the box'.  Bone broth is different from regular chicken stock because it uses a long cooking time to extract as much nutrition out of the bones as possible and tends to use bones that have more connective tissue—like necks, feet, and knuckles. Basically, regular stock uses the bones for flavor. Bone broth uses the bones for flavor and nutrition.

What makes bone broth good for you?

The nutritional profile of bone broth depends widely on the kind of bones you use (you can use chicken, turkey, beef, pork, fish—anything!), your cooking time, and the way the animals were raised (grass-fed and pasture-raised animals will give you more nutrient density). But there are a few common things about bone broth that make it so awesome:

  • It’s loaded with gelatin. The slow and low cooking helps to release the gelatin—which is a broken-down version of collagen—that is in the connective tissues and bones you use. Why is this a good thing? Well, major important areas of our body (like the lining of our gut and our own connective tissues and joints) are made from collagen—in fact, about 25% of our body is made of collagen! Some folks use gelatin or collagen supplements, but bone broth is another effective (and affordable) way to get your gelatin and collagen. Making sure you get an adequate supply of collagen has a ton of health benefits like helping you sleep better, making your skin more supple, protecting your gut lining, and making your joints less achy.
  • It’s easy to digest. Sometimes the roughage of a huge salad is good for you, but sometimes—especially if you are fighting digestive disorders or your immune system isn’t up to snuff—easy-to-digest foods are the way to go. Bone broth is a wonderful marriage of easy-to-digest but still nutritionally powerful

Is bone broth some new fancy food trend?

While bone broth is quite trendy now, it is absolutely not a new food! Healing broths and stocks have been part of the vast majority of cultures for centuries. Chances are if you can speak with an elder in your community, they can tell you stories about healing bone broth and soups from their childhood. If you’d like to read more about traditional foods and how they are (unfortunately) missing from our current diets, I highly recommend checking out Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. It’s an incredibly eye-opening look into how we’ve stripped away the traditional preparation methods for many of our foods in the interest of saving-time.

How to do you make bone broth?

While bone broth can be incredibly time-consuming to make (three hours at it’s fastest in your Instant Pot or up to two days using other methods), it is also incredibly simple. To make bone broth, all you have to do is:

  • Cook or roast animal bones.
  • Soak shortly in filtered water and apple cider vinegar.
  • Add any seasonings or flavorings you prefer.
  • Cook over very low heat until done. That’s it!

The vast majority of the bone broth cooking time is hands-off (we’re talking like 99% of the time). 

How do you use bone broth?

You can use bone broth just like you would any other stock or broth. Use it to make chicken soup. Use it to cook rice.  Use beef bone broth it in beef stew. Many bone broth fans also prefer to drink bone broth straight—as a sipping broth. The long-simmering of the broth gives it a complex, rich flavor that is cozy, comforting, and warm. I personally love having bone broth with ginger and garlic for immune supporting qualities! The gelatin in the broth is great for your skin and joints!

What are the best bones for bone broth?

I believe the best bones for bone broth are the ones you have! I always make bone broth after roasting a chicken—because those are the bones I have on hand. Waste not, want not! For the absolute highest collagen content in your broth (meaning it will gel the best), you’re looking for bones that are full of connective tissue. You want to use necks, feet, backs, joints, and knuckles where possible. I tend to keep some of these on hand in my freezer to add into a batch of bone broth whenever I want to boost the nutrition. Yes, I have a bag of chicken feet in my freezer! You can often purchase bones from local food co-ops.

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